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Speaker’s Corner & Covent Garden – London Street Photography

Speaker’s Corner & Covent Garden – London Street Photography

Some quick pics for my group from Sunday’s London Street Photography Day at Speaker’s Corner & Covent Garden, with some notes for you all.

As usual I did not shoot much at all.

All pix Fujifilm X-T5 & XF 56mm f/1.2 (85mm equivalent).


“Beautiful Eyes”

This was my demo shot at our morning briefing of the lady on the next table. How to shoot a stranger right next to you without them knowing 😉

I added one of my B&W film presets.

“Veiled Lady”

This lady was my first shot at Speakers Corner. OK and quite pleasant but really I felt it was a bit bland so made a desision to get a bit more energy to show the group that energy is what Speakers Corner is about, I took 3 or 4 minutes to sit down and shoot one of the madmen…

As I said 3 or 4 mins sitting on the ground, up fron,t and I got a good sequence of expressions. This was it for me at Speakers Corner as I spent the rest of the time mingling with the group. I saw much better shots from the group than mine on the backs of their cameras ;(

“Activist, Speakers Corner”


Covent Garden – Not much as I spent more time chasing to find delegates 😉

“No Pictures”

I saw this lady while supporting one of the group and got a quick sequence of which I prefered this one. Adobe colour preset of CN14 to give a slight vintage film colour base.

Street photography is a difficult discipline. This was shot helping one of the group with ‘waiting for something to happen with a good spot and being patient’.

Haute Couture – Chanel, Covent Garden

I was talking and shooting using the screen and managed this shot with hands wobbling in the air. So a bit soft but a high ISO B&W preset used.


“Black & White Bobs”

With the above, I mentioned when waiting to look around, and behind us this happened. Two B&W ‘Bobs’ with opposing T-shirts.


That was it for me by 4.15pm.

On the way home a bit of fun on the escalators. Shot at 1/8sec handheld. I quite like the second more blurry one though.


Finally I saw some green Converse shoes and only got two attempts and completely messed up lol.

I should have chased her, rather than the train home!

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